In China women are confined to their homes for one to three months after childbirth. These first few months after birth are characterized with traditional habits. Habits in one region may vary from those in another region. Even though there are some good aspects to these traditional habits, some of them may aversely affect the health of both mother and child. In this handout I discuss the traditional Chinese custom of “Confinement After Birth”.
在中国,妇女生孩子后有坐月子的习惯。中国的每个地方习惯不一样 。这些习惯中有好的地方,可是有些习惯会影响产妇以及新生儿的健康。在这个手册中我们来谈一谈“坐月子的习惯”。
The WHO and UNICEF advice “rooming-in” for at least the first six months of your baby’s life. What exactly does “rooming-in” mean? Should baby sleep in his own crib or can he share a bed with his parents? What are things you have to be aware of to provide a safe sleeping environment for your baby? These are questions that I will discuss in this handout.
Making sure your baby is not too cold and not too warm is important. What is a normal temperature for a newborn? How can I assess the baby’s temperature? How can I avoid him getting too cold or too hot? How warm should I dress my baby? Read this handout to get some guidelines.
预防宝宝体温过热或过冷都很重要。一个新生儿的正常体温是多少?如何量宝宝的体温?如何避免宝宝的体温过高 或过低?宝宝该穿多少衣服?在这个手册中我会解释一些关于保持宝宝体温正常的原则。
Counting your baby’s wet and dirty diapers can help you know if your breastfed baby gets enough to eat. How many wet diapers should a newborn have? And how many dirty diapers? What colour should the stools be? Read this handout to find out.
Lochia is the term used to describe the discharges from the uterus in the postnatal period. In this handout you’ll find an explanation of what would be considered normal and abnormal lochia.
Do you have after-pains or is your perineal wound causing pain and discomfort? This handout has some suggestions to help you feel more comfortable.
Passing large quantities of urine in the first 24-48 hours and no bowel movements during the first 2-3 days after you have given birth is quite normal. Read this handout to know what normal micturition and bowel movements are in the first days post partum and how to prevent constipation.
Cold sores are a viral infection that is highly contagious. If a newborn is infected with this virus, there is a small risk of him becoming very ill. In this handout we’ll explain more about cold sores and how you can prevent passing the cold sore virus to your baby.
After you have had your baby, situations may arise when it is best to contact your doctor, midwife or lactation consultant for advice and support. This will allow early treatment of possible problems, which can help to prevent things from getting worse. This handout describes situations in which you should call for help.
Your baby has been exposed to your hormones during pregnancy. After your baby is born, the presence of maternal hormones in your baby’s system might cause temporary conditions. More information in this handout.
Adequate rest and sleep are vital for the new mother. Early mobilization and daily increasing the amount of exercise are equally important. This handout describes when to start exercising after giving birth and exercises that are suitable for newly delivered mothers.