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Pregnancy is a life changing experience. A new life is growing within you. The time that your baby will be born and that you’ll be able to hold him or her is something to look forward to, but it also might be a source of uncertainty and concern. Labour and delivery is a painful process. You might wonder if you will be able to cope with the pain. You might have heard people talk about a “painless birth”. This sounds very appealing, but what does it mean? Some promote “three early, one late”. What does that mean? Is it important? In short 10-15 minute video lessons I will discuss different topics related to child birth.

B1-11 Watch all Videos about Birth

You can watch all videos about birth as a package deal. You can also choose individual topics from the list below. Enjoy!

B1-11 观看所有分娩视频课程


B1 Understanding the Birthing Process

I give a brief overview of the birthing process.

B1 了解分娩的过程


B2 The First Stage of Labour

I explain what contractions are like during the onset of labour, what their effect is and what best to do when in early labour.

B2 分娩过程的第一产程


B3 How to Cope with Labour Pain 1

I continue to explain how contractions develop and what a woman in labour can do to help her cope with the pain.

B3 如何缓解分娩疼痛 (上)


B4 How to Cope with Labour Pain 2

I continue to explain how contractions develop and what a woman in labour can do to help her cope with the pain.

B4 如何缓解分娩疼痛 (下)


B5 How to Support You in Labour

How can people around you help and support you during the process of labour and delivery?

B5 别人如何能支持产妇?


B6 Rupture of Membranes, Show, When to Go to the Hospital

What is a “show”? How do I know that my waters have broken? What to do in these cases and at what stage in labour and in which situations should I go to the hospital?

B6 羊水破了、见红、何时去医院


B7 Second and Third Stage of Labour

During the second stage of labour the baby will be born, delivery of the placenta occurs in the third stage of labour. More information about these phases of labour in this video.

B7 分娩过程第二和三产程


B8 Three Early, One Late 1

Chinese Medical Professionals Promote “Three Early, One Late”. “Three Early” stand for: early contact, early sucking, early “opening the milk”. “One Late” stands for: delayed cord clamping. In this video lesson I explain the meaning and importance of “early contact”.

B8 三早一晚 (上)


B9 Three Early, One Late 2

Chinese Medical Professionals Promote “Three Early, One Late”. “Three Early” stand for: early contact, early sucking, early ‘opening the milk’. “One Late” stands for: delayed cord clamping. In this video I explain the meaning and importance of early sucking,early ‘opening the milk’, and delayed cord clamping.

B9 三早一晚 (下)


B10 Painless Birth

A painless birth sounds very appealing. What do they mean in China when they talk about “painless birth”? Is there really something like a “painless birth”? What are some pros and cons related to this method of “painless birth”?

B10 无痛分娩


  • “无痛分娩”指的是什么呢?
  • 真的有无痛分娩的方法吗?
  • 用这个方法有什么好处,有没有缺点?

B11 Choosing: Normal Birth or C Section?

In China, more and more women choose to deliver by C section. What are things to consider when you think about the method of birth of your choice?


B11 选择顺产还是剖腹产


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