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300 如何更好忍受分娩的疼痛


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300 How to Better Cope with Labour Pain

Pregnancy is a life changing experience. A new life is growing within you. The time that your baby will be born and that you’ll be able to hold him or her is something to look forward to, but it also might be a source of uncertainty and concern. Labour and delivery is a painful process. You might wonder if you will be able to cope with the pain. In this handout we explain some things about labour pain and ways to help you better cope with these pains.

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301 分娩的各种姿势


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301 Different Positions for Labour and Delivery

In this handout you can read about different positions you can try to help you become more comfortable during labour and delivery.

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302 Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean Section

If you have had a CS before and are now pregnant again, you might wonder if it is possible to have a normal birth this time round. The best way to deliver after a CS is different for each woman. If your hospital offers vaginal births after a CS, then your doctor will discuss your individual situation with you in order to come to the best choice for you. Some of the things that need to be considered will be discussed in this handout.

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